Session 7: Implementation of technology
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 |
1:40 PM - 2:40 PM |
Mr Andres Paz
Senior Process Engineer
Fine Grinding Implementation at the Cracow Gold Processing Plant
1:40 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
Andres is currently a Senior Process Engineer, Comminution, for Outotec. With 13 years' experience in the industry, Andres currently specialises in the introduction of stirred milling technology into mineral processing applications. Apart from commissioning SAG and HPGR mills, Andres has also successfully commissioned several HIGmill projects in Australia, as well as validating scaleup and sizing methodology. He has a postgraduate diploma in Metallurgy and a bachelor's degree in Engineering (Chemical) from Curtin University of Technology.
Mr Roy Francis
Principal Metallurgist
Consolidated Minerals
Sorting Pilbara Manganese Ores – Do Your Homework and Understand the Mineralogy
2:00 PM - 2:20 PMBiography
Roy is a qualified geologist and mineral technologist and has been working in Australia in various capacities as a metallurgist since 1981. Commodities include iron ore, mineral sands, base metals, nickel, gold, chromite and manganese.
Dr Phillip Fawell
CSIRO Mineral Resources
Making Your Thickener’s Feedwell an Effective Flocculation Vessel – Lessons from the AMIRA P266 Projects
2:20 PM - 2:40 PMBiography
Phillip joined CSIRO in 1993 with the establishment of the Parker Centre, primarily to develop techniques for flocculant and aggregate characterisation. He also contributed to the AMIRA P266 “Improving Thickener Technology” series of projects, later taking leadership of flocculation studies and then becoming overall Research Coordinator. Phillip has conducted thickening appraisals and workshops around the world, also creating an online thickener self-appraisal tool for project sponsors that draws heavily upon the team’s extensive computational modelling of feedwell flocculation.