TECHNICAL SESSION 2a: Innovative mining practices/developments 1
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 |
2:00 PM - 3:20 PM |
Astral Ballroom 1&2 |
Dr. Xianwen Dai
Team Leader
Laboratory and field evaluations of a new non-toxic gold leach reagent
2:00 PM - 2:20 PMBiography
Xianwen Dai joined CSIRO in 2006. He is now a senior research scientist and Precious Metals Team Leader in CSIRO Mineral Resources. His research interests include processing of gold using cyanide or thiosulfate, leaching and electrochemistry of gold, resin and carbon adsorption & elution and cyanide recovery. He has published over 40 research papers and managed a number of industrial projects. His research highlights include the development of a thiosulfate based process for treating gold gravity concentrates and a cyanide recovery process for treating cyanidation tails solutions, and technology advancement for supporting the commercialization of a CSIRO gold extraction reagent.
Mr Peter Fraser
Hydro Power Equipment (pty) Ltd
Hydro hoisting: a new approach
2:20 PM - 2:40 PMBiography
Peter Fraser is a Professional Engineer and holds Master’s degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration.
He started his career with the South African Chamber of Mines Research Organization and has been with Hydropower Equipment (HPE) in South Africa since 1998, where he is involved with innovation and growing market awareness of oil-free, water-hydraulic mining solutions. HPE has developed the use of high-pressure water (hydropower) to transport rock, reduce energy consumption and power mining equipment (including oil-free, water-hydraulic drills, drifters and drill rigs).
Peter is a member of the SA Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the SA Institute of Tribology, and the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Dr Elsayed Oraby
Research Fellow
Curtin University
Enhancing the leaching rate of gold in alkaline glycine solutions
2:40 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Dr Elsayed Oraby Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University
B,Sc. (Metallurgical Engineering), Assiut University, Egypt
M.Sc. (Metallurgical Engineering), Assiut University, Egypt
PhD (Metallurgical Engineering), Curtin University, Australia
Experience and Innovation:
*11 Years in Mining and Metallurgical Process Engineering: Teaching, Research, Gold and Copper Hydrometallurgy, Alternatives to Cyanide, Thiosulfate, Glycine, Leaching.
*Co-Inventor with Prof Jacques Eksteen in four patents dealing with the application of Amino Acids in precious and base metals extraction.
Mr Stefan Brauner
Sales Director - Metals & Chemical Processing
Gold roasting technology advances and how to handle complex concentrates more sustainably
3:00 PM - 3:20 PMBiography
Stefan Bräuner graduated in mechanical and process engineering from TU Darmstadt, Germany. After various positions in Outotec’s Roasting & Sulphuric Acid department including process engineering, leading of R&D activities as well as heading the department for several years, Stefan is now located in Outotec’s office in Perth as a regional Technical and Sales Director. In this role, he is supporting all technologies associated to the Metals & Chemical Processing Business Line (BL MCP) with a focus on Digitalization as well as greenfield and brownfield projects in Roasting and Sulphuric Acid.
Session Chair
Chris Carr
General Manager - Nova Operation
Independence Group NL