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TECHNICAL SESSION 7a: Process flowsheet optimisation 2

Friday, September 13, 2019
10:50 AM - 12:30 PM
Astral Ballroom 1&2
Sponsored By:
Newmont Goldcorp


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Dr Leon Lorenzen
Executive Consultant
Lorenzen Consultants And Mintrex

Transferring R&D results into optimal process design - the good and the bad

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM


Bachelors in Chemical Engineering Masters in Metallurgical Engineering PhD in Metallurgical Engineering CPEng, CEng, PrEng, GAICD FIEAust, FAusIMM, FSAIMM, FIChemE Dr Leon Lorenzen has more than 34 years in-depth experience in mineral processing, electrochemistry, reactive systems, hydrometallurgy, waste treatment and biofuels particularly with regard to application of these technologies in the process industries. This includesmineral processing industries such as mineral processing engineer (Anglo American) and more recently as Innovation Project Manager, Metallurgical Manager (BHP Billiton), Group General Manager (Snowden) as well as Executive Consultant (Mintrex) and Deputy Dean, Chairman and Professor of Chemical en Metallurgical Engineering at Stellenbosch University.
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Mr Damian Connelly
Principal Consultant
Mets Engineering Group Pty Ltd

Flowsheet development of a refractory gold ore to minimise arsenic issues in the environment

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM


Damian is a Consulting Engineer with extensive experience in the gold, copper, lead, zinc, uranium and iron ore industries. He is an internationally recognised specialist in Mineral Processing having worked in north and South America, South East Asia, Africa and Europe. The last 28 years working as a Consultant Metallurgist for mining, banking and engineering companies. Damian is a Registered Expert Witness and has been engaged on many cases.
Jie Wu
Research Scientist

Swirl flow agitation for a BIOX neutralization process

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM


After completion of his PhD on turbulent wake flow at the mechanical engineering department, Monash University in 1994, Jie Wu joined CSIRO as a post doctoral fellow with the fluid dynamics group at the then CSIRO Building Construction Engineering division at Highett. Since 1998, Jie has been leading the fluids engineering team. After 20 years, the team today has an established world leading capability in slurry mixing and transport. The team holds 5 patents with numerous papers published on slurry mixing, erosion and scale. The team is active in R&D and innovations for the hydrometallurgical industry.
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Mr Brett Ascott
Technical Services Manager
Resolute Mining Limited

Improving recovery at the Syama Gold Mine

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM


Extractive metallurgist with +25 years’ experience in commissioning, operational, technical and maintenance aspects of mineral processing and hydrometallurgical plants in several commodities including gold, nickel, cobalt and iron ore in Western Australia, Queensland, Mali, Ghana and Papua New Guinea. As Group Metallurgist with Resolute, primary role is to provide metallurgical technical support in all aspects to the operating sites at Syama (Mali), Bibiani (Ghana) and Ravenswood (Queensland). Syama treats a double refractory ore using flotation and roasting while Ravenswood is a free milling sulphide. Bibiani is currently on care and maintenance.
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Dr Eddy Hill

Grain morphology and hosting characteristics as determining factors in micron to sub-micron gold recoverability

12:10 PM - 12:30 PM


Eddy has over 20 years experience of the application of electron, x-ray and microwave techniques to the development of solutions for mineralogical and petrological issues. In this time he has worked in fields as diverse as mining and the geochemcal development of planetary bodies.

Session Chair

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Peter Lind
Director, Metallurgy - Global Projects
Newmont Goldcorp
