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Session 2 | Plant Operations 1

Monday, October 21, 2024
10:40 AM - 12:05 PM


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Mr Richard Whittering
Principal Process Engineer

Navigating the operational challenges at Campo Morado – a success story

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM



Richard has more than 22 years’ experience in the management of base metal concentrators, and the field of engineering, design, construction, commissioning. Previous experiences include exposure to project management, developing operational strategic planning programs, maintenance systems, operational readiness programs, test work supervision, geometallurgy, feasibility studies, design and commissioning of a wide range copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, pyrite, gold, silver, and mineral sands projects
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Mrs Emily Mort
Process Superintendent
Gold Fields

Mastering Clay and Oxide Ores at St. Ives - Easing Circuit Constraints and Bottlenecks with Time-Honoured Comminution, Leach CIP, and Tailings Circuit Wizardry!

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM



Emily commenced her career in 2011 at St Barbara’s Gwalia mine in Leonora. Completing a two-year Graduate program and then a further 9 years as a dependable and productive Plant Metallurgist. Emily’s career highlight from her tenure at Gwalia was optimising the gravity circuit Acacia reactor which resulted in a $2.7M annual net benefit to the operation. During her time with St Barbara Emily was seconded to the Gold Ridge and Simberi operations located in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Assisting the sites with metallurgical standards, laboratory operations, hazardous materials, and compliance to critical risk controls. In 2021 Emily commenced as the Senior Metallurgist at Gold Fields St Ives operation in Kambalda. Emily took on many plant optimisation and capital improvement projects during her time at St Ives, where her proficiency in team leadership was widely acknowledged amongst her peers and management. In early 2024 Emily accepted her current position of Production Superintendent at Gold Fields Agnew operation where she is continuing to upskill in the Operations space for her next career move as a future Process Manager. Having attended previous Mill Operators conferences, Emily is enthusiastic about presenting and contributing this year after previously withdrawing a draft paper due to fear of public speaking.
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Mrs Goldie Heard
Senior Metallurgist
Gold Fields

Gruyere Gold Mine Western Australia: Part 2 – Ramp Up To Operations, A Journey of Comminution, Optimisation And Challenges

11:10 AM - 11:25 AM



Goldie obtained a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) from Curtin University. Having started her career as a Graduate metallurgist in 2011 at Olympic Dam, Goldie joined Gold Fields in 2016 as a plant metallurgist at the Granny Smith operation before transferring to the Gruyere JV to gain commissioning experience in large scale SABC circuits. Goldie was promoted to the role of Senior Metallurgist at Gruyere and lead a team of Metallurgists, Lab Operators and Control System Engineers who worked closely with the processing and maintenance teams to achieve ramp up and throughput production rates above design targets. Simultaneously Goldie’s team championed the Future of Gold Plant Operations with the installation of the OnLine Gold Analyser (OLGA) and Carbon Scout as part of the METS Ignited project, a collaboration between Gold Fields, Orway IQ, CSIRO, Curtin University and Gekko Systems. Goldie has recently commenced a new role within Gold Fields as the Global Industry Standard of Tailings Management (GISTM) champion. Playing a leading role in ensuring GISTM compliance across the four Gold Fields Australian operations by August 2025.
Jennifer Johannson

Optimizing Flotation Pulp Conditions to Improve Recovery at Newmont Red Chris Mine

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM



Session 2 | Q&A with Session Chair

11:40 AM - 12:05 PM

