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Session 7 | GeoMetallurgy

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1:20 PM - 3:00 PM


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Dr Bianca Newcombe
Principal Geometallurgist
Optifroth Solutions

Strategic Ore Planning - Using metallurgical performance data to drive mine planning for operational optimisation - Case Study 1 (Oxides versus Sulphides)

1:20 PM - 1:35 PM



2023 Exceptional Woman in Australian Resources & NSW Exceptional Woman in Mining Award Winner. 25 + years industry experience in both operations and technical roles; incorporating daily plant management, geometallurgical studies, plant projects and process optimisation. Concentrator design, build and commissioning experience. Base-metal-sulphide flotation expertise with copper, lead, zinc, silver and nickel as well as refractory gold ore processing. Conventional gold leaching and gravity recovery methods. Currently working on major geo-metallurgical evaluation projects both within Australia and internationally while based in Orange NSW.... and operating an award winning fine food business.
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Dr Andrew Newell
Executive Consultant, Processing
RPM Global

Metallurgical Test Work - The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?

1:35 PM - 1:50 PM



Andrew is the Manager of Metallurgy and Process Engineering for RPMGlobal (Australasia and Russia/CIS) and has been with RPMGlobal for 17 years. He has over 45 years of experience in a variety of operational, engineering, managerial, research and consulting roles in the fields of minerals processing, hydrometallurgy, plant design, process engineering and project evaluation. This includes base-metal concentrators, precious metal leaching facilities, base-metal leaching and base-metal and ilmenite smelting. Andrew has considerable experience in process, project and process plant evaluations, due diligences feasibility studies and metallurgical testing and program development. Over the last few years Andrew has been heavily involved in critical and battery mineral projects. Andrew is a Fellow of the AusIMM, a Chartered Professional Metallurgist and member of the SME and the CIM.
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Ms Yan Li
Senior Geometallurgist

The effect of primary grind size on flotation recovery and the mineralogically limited grade-recovery curve at Olympic Dam

1:50 PM - 2:05 PM



Yan Li is a senior geometallurgist at BHP Olympic Dam. She is a chemical engineer with 15 years experience in geometallurgy and process engineering across different commodities.
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Dr Paul Greenhill
Principal Consultant
AMC Consultants

The benefits of using geometallurgical principles for metallurgical sample selection.

2:05 PM - 2:20 PM



Dr Paul Greenhill, B.Sc.(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM(CP) Paul Greenhill is a metallurgist with over 30 years’ experience in senior management, project management, techno-financial modelling, project studies and operational consulting, research management and technology evaluation. Paul is a Principal Consultant in the Geometallurgy group of AMC Consultants and also provides metallurgical expertise across AMC’s business. Most recently he has been involved in a variety of geometallurgical projects predicting ore processing response characteristics for commodities such as gold, copper, and lead-zinc. Paul’s career has included post-doctoral research at the University of Edinburgh before joining Comalco Limited as a Senior Research Scientist from 1989 to 1996 working on advanced aluminium smelting technologies and technical support for mining operations, spending time at both Weipa and Bell Bay. From 1996 to 2009 he had various roles with AMIRA International including Chief Operating Officer and Research Director. In 2009, Paul took over as CEO and then Managing Director of RMDStem Limited, a small medium size mining and technology consultancy. From 2014 to 2018, he worked independently as a consultant in minerals and technology with a focus on metallurgy and economic valuations. Paul is Fellow of the AusIMM and is a member of the Melbourne Branch committee.
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Mr Duncan Bennett
Principal Consultant
Mineralis Consultants Pty Ltd

Practical Geometallurgy – And Let There Be Light

2:20 PM - 2:35 PM



Duncan commenced his metallurgy career in the 1980’s at North Broken Hill – Peko’s Warrego copper, gold, and bismuth operations in the Northern Territory, followed by time at WMC’s Kambalda nickel concentrator. Duncan then spent 4 years in gold plants in southern WA with Resolute Ltd. After time at Queensland Nickel and managing a private CIP carbon cleaning business in WA, Duncan moved to Tasmania for 8 years where he worked in mill and general management positions at the Renison Bell and Mt Bischoff tin mines, including a 2 year period making paper at Australian Paper’s Burnie mill. Following a brief foray back into gold at Hill End in NSW and Union Reefs in the NT, Duncan joined PanAust Ltd in 2010 as their Principal Metallurgist, before moving to Mineralis Consultants in 2017.

Session 7 | Q&A with Session Chair

2:35 PM - 3:00 PM

