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Session 19 | Physicochem. Props.

Boulevard B2
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
10:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Boulevard B2


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Assoc. Prof. Masanori Suzuki
Associate Professor
Osaka University

KEYNOTE | Ionic Structure Analysis of Relaxed Surface of Molten Oxide Slags for Surface Tension Modeling

10:20 AM - 10:50 AM



A/Prof Masanori Suzuki acquainted doctoral degree of engineering in Osaka University in March 2010. Until March 2011, he was engaged in postdoctoral research fellow in University of Queensland, Australia. His research theme there was on the predicting model of viscosity of molten multi-component slag. Then, he became an assistant professor in April 2011, and changed to his position to an associate professor in August 2016, in Division of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan. He mainly performs the combined studies of the microscopic structure analysis and physical property evaluation to qualify interfacial phenomena and properties of high temperature melts related to metallurgical processes.
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Prof. Noritaka Saito
Associate Professor
Kyushu University

Electrical conductivity measurement of CaO-Al2O3-CaF2 slags by van der Pauw-Ohta method

10:55 AM - 11:15 AM



Prof. Dr. Noritaka Saito Main activities and responsibilities : Higher education and research work on physical chemistry at high temperature Evaluation of rheological, interfacial, and electrical properties of metallic and oxide melts at high temperature - Viscosity, Surface tension, and Density of molten oxides - Crystallization of super-cooled oxide melts - Wettability of ceramics against molten metal and oxides Fabrication of structural ceramics - Electrical conductivity, capacity, and tomography Work experience: 2009. Associate Professor, Kyushu University 2008 Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley 2006 Assistant Professor, Kyushu University 2005 JSPS Research Fellow (Postdoc) Education and training : 2005 Ph.D. in Engineering, Kyushu University Books and Articles: 127 scientific papers 480 presentations (including 53 invited lectures) 7 patents
Prof. Jinglin You
Executive Deputy Director
SKLASS, Shanghai University

Quantitative studies on the microstructures of ternary CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses, melts and correlation with their high-temperature viscosities

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM



You Jinglin, Ph.D., professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai University, is the executive deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Metallurgy and Preparation of High Quality Special Steel jointly built by the province and ministry. Deputy Director of the Light Scattering Committee of the Chinese Physical Society; Member of the Chinese Spectroscopic Society; Director member of Shanghai Metal Society; Expert from Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Association. Mainly engaged in scientific research, teaching, and social service work in physical chemistry, melt structure, computational simulation, spectral applications, instrument analysis, etc. The developed high-temperature Raman spectroscopy technology fills the field gap.
Dr Olivier Vergote
Postdoctoral researcher
Ghent University

Effect of solid particles on the viscosity of a secondary copper smelting slag

11:45 AM - 12:05 PM



Obtained PhD in metallurgical engineering in 2023 at Ghent University on the effect of solid particles on the slag viscosity for a secondary copper smeltng slag, in co-operation with Umicore, Belgium. This PhD project included a research stay at the research group Pyrosearch of The University of Queensland. Currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University, on a research project regarding viscosity measurements and predictions of industrial slag samples, also in co-operation with Umicore, Belgium

Session Chair

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Inge Bellemans
Assistant Professor
Ghent University
