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Session 36 | CO2 Reduction

Boulevard B3
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
1:35 PM - 3:15 PM
Boulevard B3


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Ms Elisa Pastor-Vallés
PhD Candidate
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Measuring circular economy through Life Cycle Assessment: challenges and recommendations based on a study on recycling of Al dross, bottom ash and shavings

1:35 PM - 1:55 PM



Elisa Pastor-Vallés is a PhD student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Her research focuses on the sustainability of aluminium and silicon production, assessing among others potential circular economy opportunities between these industries, under the umbrella of the H2020 project SisAl Pilot project. Previously, she has worked in environmental management for the construction, aeronautic, and insurance sectors, in environmental consultancy and in the Ministry of Environment of Spain. With a master’s in Circular Economy from Chalmers University of Technology and the NTNU and a bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering, Elisa is interested in the complex relationship between environment, society, and economy in the raw materials sector, and she studies this through the application of environmental system analyses tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
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Dr Fabian Diaz
Group Leader: Automation and Digital Transformation for Process Metallurgy
RWTH Aachen University

Lessons learned from attempts at minimizing CO2 emissions in process metallurgy: Pyrolyzed secondary raw materials, bio-coke, and hydrogen as alternative reducing agents

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM



Dr.-Ing. Diaz completed his bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering in 2010 at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga, Colombia, and obtained his master's in Metallurgical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in Germany in 2013. From 2013 to 2019, he served as a research assistant at the IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling institute, specializing in WEEE recycling. In December 2019, he successfully defended his Ph.D. with a thesis entitled "Process Concept Based on Pyrolysis for Integration of Shredder Light Fractions (SLF) in the Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)". Since then, Dr.-Ing. Diaz has taken on the roles of group leader in the field of automation and digitalization for process metallurgy and senior advisor for the WEEE Recycling, artificial minerals, and Li-ion battery groups.
Dr Johan Martinsson
Group Manager, Metallurgy Labs
Swerim AB

The possibility of using an autogenous hydrogen-DRI slag as a raw material for vanadium extraction

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM



Dr Johan Martinsson is manager of the research group Metallurgy labs, at the Swedish metallurgical research institute Swerim. He focuses his research on reaction mechanisms and process phenomena related to metallurgical processes. Since 2023, he is also affiliated researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He received his PhD from the same university in 2018, where he focused on foaming slag. Since then he has been involved in research within the scope of HYBRIT, both on fundamental level as well as applied in the industry.

Session Chair

Johan Zietsman
Ex Mente Technologies
