Session 33 | Ironmaking

Boulevard B2
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
1:35 PM - 3:15 PM
Boulevard B2


Mr Joseph Hamuyuni
Specialist, Pyrometallurgy

Fluxing options and slag operating window for Metso’s DRI smelting furnace

1:35 PM - 1:55 PM



Process metallurgist with several years experience in field of pyro-metallurgy, in last 5 years in the process technology sector specializing in smelting technologies and solutions. Working in product development in the area of green steel and ferroalloys.
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Prof Miyuki Hayashi
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Effect of alumina on microstructures of iron ore sinters from the perspective of the phase equilibria of the CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3-Al2O3 system

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM



Miyuki Hayashi is a professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. She got her Ph.D. at Tokyo Tech in 1997. Her Ph.D. thesis is about "Magnetic and optical properties of silicate glasses containing iron ions from the perspective of valence and coordination states and clustering of iron ions". She worked as a postdoc researcher at Dept. Physics, Trinity College in 1997-1998. Then, she worked as an Assistant Professor of Tokyo Tech for four years and moved to the Royal Institute of Technology to work with Prof. Seetharaman in 2002, where she mainly worked on the thermal conductivity and diffusivity measurements on the mold fluxes for continuous casting of steel, coke for blast furnace, and Ni-based super alloy, Ti-based and Fe-based alloys and so on. After that, she moved back to work as an Associate Professor at Tokyo Tech in 2004, where she worked on microwave ironmaking and hydrogen blast furnaces. She was promoted to the present position in 2021. She continues to work on the thermal conductivities of molten slags as well as the microstructures of iron ore sinters for hydrogen blast furnaces.
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Ms Haeun Kim
Master Student
Korea University

In-situ Observation of Phase Transition of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminum

2:25 PM - 2:45 PM



Haeun Kim is currently a M.S. student at the Korea University in South Korea. She received a bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering from Korea University. Her research interests are raw materials for the iron-making process and its reactions, as well as the new iron-making process for reducing carbon dioxide using hydrogen reduction.

Session Chair

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Ramana Reddy
The University of Alabama
