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Keynote Presentation: Nick Oliver, HCOVGlobal consultants

Friday, April 5, 2019
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM


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Dr Nicholas Oliver
Director and Principal Consultant
HCOV Global

The (dis)organisation of structural controls on epithermal mineralization

3:45 PM - 4:15 PM



Nicholas (Nick) Oliver is lead consultant and director within the Australian consortium HCOVGlobal (www.hcovglobal.com). Nick has a BSc (Hons) from the University of Queensland (1981) and a PhD from Monash University (1988). After positions with CSIRO, Carnegie Institute Geophysical Laboratory, Monash and Curtin universities, he was Professor of Economic Geology at James Cook University from 1997 to 2010, and Director of the Economic Geology Research Unit (EGRU). He supervised (and continues) over 70 postgraduate students and developed comprehensive programs in collaborative industry-university research. He has published extensively on the structure and geochemistry of hydrothermal systems, and has delivered short courses to over 4000 people worldwide. His specialty is in mapping and the fusion of structural, geochemical and geophysical data in hydrothermal systems, applied to practical mining and exploration solutions and training. He has broad, global commodity consulting experience including extensive work in epithermal, porphyry and related systems of the PacRim’s New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, far eastern Russia (Chukotka), Canada (Yukon), Colombia, Peru and Chile.

