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Keynote Presentation: Juan Carlos Ordóñez-Calderón (AAG Keynote Speaker)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Agenda Item Image
Dr Juan Carlos Ordóñez-Calderón
Manager, Resource Geochemistry
Kinross Gold

Applications of Machine Learning to Model 3D Geological Attributes of Mineral Deposits Using Multi-element Geochemical Data

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Juan Carlos Ordóñez Calderón is the Manager of Resource Geochemistry for Kinross Gold. He has an MSc and a PhD in petrology and geochemistry from, respectively, Shimane University in Japan and the University of Windsor in Canada. He is a Fellow member of the Association of Applied Geochemists (AAG) and currently he serves as an adjunct Professor at the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University (Canada), and the Department of Civil and Mining Engineering at the University of Toronto (Canada). Juan Carlos applies machine learning algorithms to multi-element geochemical data to model 3D-geological attributes of mineral deposits including stratigraphy, alteration, and metal zoning. Using advanced analytics, he integrates geochemistry with geological, mineralogical, and geometallurgical data for ore body characterization. Juan Carlos has investigated mineral systems such as porphyry, skarn, VMS, IOCG, sedimentary hosted, epithermal, and shear-hosted deposits in Canada, USA, Brazil, Chile, Mauritania, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, and Greenland. His applied fieldwork experience includes structural geology and volcanology of metallotects in Precambrian shields and Cordilleran settings. The Association of Applied Geochemists Keynote Speaker

