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Keynote Presentation: Cornel de Ronde, GNS Science

Thursday, April 4, 2019
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


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Dr Cornel de Ronde
Principal Scientist
GNS Science

What is the link between Cu-Au mineralization and modern seafloor hydrothermal systems associated with submarine volcanic arcs?


Dr. Cornel de Ronde has been researching submarine hydrothermal systems related to intraoceanic arcs for more than 20 years. He leads the offshore minerals group at GNS Science in New Zealand. Together with his group, he has worked extensively with scientists from NOAA and WHOI in the US, in particular, but also others from Germany, Japan, Australia and Italy discovering, surveying and sampling seafloor hydrothermal systems around the world. Dr. de Ronde and his team have been at the forefront of research into massive sulfide mineralization associated with submarine arc volcanoes and has employed various deepsea assets such as manned submersibles, ROVs and AUVs to better access and ultimately understand these systems. Recently, he was co-chief scientist aboard the JOIDES Resolution that drilled Brothers volcano as part of the IODP Brothers Arc Flux expedition.

