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Session 3: Corporate Social Responsiblity

Monday, May 27, 2019
12:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Sponsored By:


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Dr Mike Katz
Mineral Development

Social Responsibility in Geoscience and Mining Education

12:50 PM - 1:10 PM



BS Michigan Tech 1960; MSc McGill 1963; PhD U of T 1967 Geologist in Canada in mineral exploration and as a Government geologist from 1960 – 1967 and on a CIDA assignment for the development of the first Department of Geology, University of Sri Lanka from 1967 - 1970. Senior Lecturer in Applied Geology, UNSW from 1971 - 1988, Director Key Centre for Mines International 1988 - 2009, also as Director 1995 - 98, UNSW, Sydney, Australia and since 2010 a mineral development consultant has over 50 years international experience in geological and mining education, training and as an expert for government and industry and has worked with AUSAID, UNDP and other agencies on over 70 projects in 25 countries mainly in Asia.
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Dr. Zhongxue Li
University of Science and Technology Beijing

Dynamics of corporate social responsibility: a theoretical perspective

1:10 PM - 1:30 PM



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Prof George Gaidajis
Assoc. Prof.
Democritus University of Thrace

Assessing and improving the sustainability performance of mining industries

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM



George Gaidajis obtained his first degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and his Master and PhD from Saitama University, Japan in 1993, in the field of Environmental Engineering. He has a 10-year working experience as environmental supervisor in chemical-mining industry and he is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Production Engineering & Management, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace. He coordinated several research projects and he has over 60 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and international conferences. His research interests extend to the principles and tools of Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Analysis, and Mining and Sustainability.
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Mr Hennie du Plooy
Chief Executive Officer
Port Waratah Coal Services Ltd

Demonstrating local excellence by positioning business performance in a global sustainable development context

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM



Hennie received a Bachelor Degree in Extractive Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Pretoria and a Bachelor Degree in Commerce from the University of South Africa. Hennie joined Port Waratah Coal Services in October 2011 and, under his leadership, has led Port Waratah through periods of strong growth and expansion, as well as a material downturn in the coal industry, which required adaptability to cost pressures and customer demand for efficiencies. Port Waratah has completed major expansion projects and embarked on a comprehensive culture change and improvement programme aimed at engaging employees directly in step change improvement across the business. He also initiated the implementation of a new and benchmark setting stakeholder engagement programme to support Port Waratah in securing and maintaining its licence to operate in an increasingly challenging environment.

Session Chair

Lucy Roberts
General Manager Sustainable Development

