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Combined SC1 & SC2: Materials for Lithium Battery Technology & Artificial Interlligence and Data Science

Tuesday, July 2, 2019
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M1, Crown Perth


Lithium-ion batteries have been considered to be one of the most attractive rechargeable technologies suitable for electric vehicles (EVs) due to their high energy density and reversibility. EVs with extended range powered by lithium-ion storage batteries are penetrating in the consumer market. Nevertheless, Li-ion technology is at a crossroads where numerous fundamental barriers must be overcome to enable widespread application in both transportation and grid storage. Dr Minakshi will provide an overview on how the battery works, materials for Li-ion, and measuring battery performance. He will also highlight the cell design, longevity and safety issues. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have emerged as a good alternative for performing data analysis in many domains. There are many commercial and research tools developed for better data analysis. Most of these are based on Artificial Intelligence and/or Machine Learning. A/Prof Kevin Wong, Murdoch University, will provide an overview on how the AI techniques can use to enhance the data science processes in resource sector. He will also highlight the issues to take note when using AI techniques.
