Track 2
Monday, July 22, 2019 |
1:40 PM - 3:20 PM |
Meeting Rooms 1&2 |
Prof Kevin Galvin
Director ARC Research Hub Advanced Technologies For Australian Iron Ore
Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER)
Influence of slimes on gravity separation of iron ore fines in a REFLUXTM classifier
1:40 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
Professor Galvin joined the University of Newcastle in 1993. Previously he spent 10 years with BHP Research (1980-1987; 1990-1993), and 3 years at Imperial College on a Commonwealth Scholarship where he did his PhD under the supervision of Professor Brian Briscoe. His primary research interests are in the phenomena of bubbles, drops and particles in the context of process systems. He invented a new separator termed the Reflux Classifier, developing the technology through an R&D Agreement with Ludowici Australia. Following a research breakthrough in 2008 the technology was re-designed in 2009 to promote the effects of a laminar shear mechanism, leading to rapid acceptance and up-take by industry. The technology attracted a number of national awards and led to exports and over 100 installations in more than ten countries.
Dr Grant Wellwood
General Manager
Jenike & Johanson Pty. Ltd.
Prof Paul Slatter
Sheridan College, Perth, Wa, Australia.
The impact of sustainable industrial practice on process suspension rheology in iron ore
2:20 PM - 2:40 PMBiography
Established the Flow Process and Rheology Centre at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Was Director of the Rheology and Materials Processing Centre at RMIT University. Presently Professor of Physics at Sheridan College in Perth. Actively involved in Pipeline and Flow Process Consulting and Research for the past 30 years. Pioneered a new Reynolds Number Design Approach for Yield Stress Materials; and the sheet flow paradigm for free surface flows of mine tailings materials. Was a Team leader for the AMIRA sponsored project on High Concentration Slurry Pumping and contributed to the AMIRA sponsored project on Integrated Tailings Management.
Mr Carlos Veloso
Phd Candidate
Arcelormittal Global R&D
Flotation applied to iron ores with complex mineralogy
2:40 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Carlos Veloso is a PhD Candidate from the University of Lorraine in partnership with ArcelorMittal’s Mining and Mineral Processing Research Centre, both in North-eastern France. He is leading a detailed research about flotation of complex silicates which will contribute to the future mining and mineral processing activities in ArcelorMittal Mines. He believes his work creates value for the project stakeholders through process improvement, knowledge creation and innovation. Carlos holds a degree in Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil and a master degree in Geoscience from the University of Lorraine, France
Prof Yee-Kwong Leong
University of Western Australia
Reducing the viscosity of concentrated iron ore slurries with composite additives for quality upgrade, reduced power, safer tailings storage and smaller environmental footprint
3:00 PM - 3:20 PMBiography
Professor Leong has studied suspension rheology for over 30 years, and over 130 journal publications receiving more than 2900 citations. He received his PhD from the University of Melbourne. He is a world expert on using surface chemistry tools to control the rheology of suspensions via regulating the nature and strength of the surface forces operating between particles. Many of his research results were published in two very reputable rheology textbooks. He has a thixotropic ageing model for clay gels named after him. The fundamental knowledge gained his clay rheology research was used to solve mining industry problems.
Session Chair
John Clout
John Clout & Associates