TECHNICAL SESSION 8A: Downstream Processing
Track 1
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 |
1:45 PM - 3:25 PM |
BelleVue Ballroom 2 |
Mr. Sigit Prabowo
Phd Student
Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington
Development of an experimental fluidised bed reactor for the processing of New Zealand titanomagnetite ironsand
1:45 PM - 2:05 PMBiography
Mr Sigit Prabowo is a joint PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington and University of Wollongong. His research investigates the hydrogen reduction of the NZ ironsand in a fluidized bed reactor. His main study focusing on the characterization of the reduction and sticking behaviour of the NZ ironsand during fluidization. He received his B.Sc. degree in Metallurgical Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. He then completed his M.Eng degree in Material Science and Engineering from Kumamoto University, Japan. His research experience includes hydrometallurgy, anodization, and material characterization using XRD and electron microscopy.
Mr Damian Connelly
Principal Consultant
Mets Engineering Pty Ltd
Titaniferous magnetites as a source of vanadium, titanium and iron
2:05 PM - 2:25 PMBiography
Damian is a Consulting Engineer with extensive experience in the gold, copper, lead, zinc, uranium and iron ore industries with particular emphasis on gold. Experience has been gained in plant operations feasibility studies, detailed design, construction and commissioning, and all unit operations. He is an internationally recognised specialist in Mineral Processing having worked in north and South America, South East Asia, Africa and Europe.
The last 28 years working as a Consultant Metallurgist for mining, banking and engineering companies has provided a broad range of experience. Damian is a Registered Expert Witness and has been engaged on many cases.
Mr Jim Cribbes
Business Development
Q&A discussion on HIsmelt technology
2:25 PM - 2:45 PMBiography
Mr Ao Zhang
Phd Candidate
Victoria University Of Wellington (vuw) And University Of Wollongong (uow)
Hydrogen reduction of New Zealand titanohematite pellets
2:45 PM - 3:05 PMBiography
Mr. Ao Zhang is currently a joint PhD candidate between Victoria University of Wellington and University of Wollongong. His research is mainly focusing on characterizing reduction behaviors of New Zealand Titanomagnetite ironsand in H2 at high temperatures and developing an analytical kinetic description of the reduction mechanism. This research has commercial importance for future designing H2-DRI processes for reducing New Zealand ironsand.
Dr.(eng.) Taichi Murakami
Associate Professor
Tohoku University
Effect of coke breeze and CaO on oxidation of magnetite concentrate
3:05 PM - 3:25 PMBiography
I graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology on March 2001. Now I’m associate professor of graduated school of environmental studies, Tohoku University. My main research fields are on the development of efficient and sustainable processes of metals production and recycling, (especially ironmaking), and on the development of porous metals, by applying high temperature metallurgical technologies. Now, I am project general manager of sintering process based on ISIJ.
Session Chair
Jim Cribbes
Business Development