Day 2 - Lunch & ePoster Presentations
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 |
12:10 PM - 1:10 PM |
Mr Tim Walsh
Applications And Development Chemist
Clariant (Australia) Pty Ltd
New Reagents for Beneficiation of Lithium Ores
12:20 PM - 12:30 PMBiography
Tim Walsh is an Applications and Development Chemist with Clariant Oil and Mining Services, where he performs research and development of froth flotation chemicals. He has 20 years experience in diverse fields including explosives, fertilizers, plastics, analytical chemistry, enzyme chemistry and mining. Tim holds a BSc. (Hons) from The University of Melbourne and MSc. from Deakin University.
Dr Brianna Ganly
Team Leader
Improved On-Stream XRF Analysis of Mineral Slurries
12:35 PM - 12:45 PMBiography
Dr Brianna Ganly is a CSIRO research scientist in the Mineral Resources Sensing and Sorting program. She is team leader of the X-ray science team and her work involves developing new X-ray technologies for the minerals industry.
Mr Matthew Johnson
Product Manager
Metrohm Australia
Particle size analysis for process control: A new approach with Dynamic Image Analysis.
12:50 PM - 1:00 PMBiography
Matthew Johnson has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Biotechnology and Master of Business in Science Commercialisation from Monash University. Product manager for Metrohm Australia, representing the Retsch Milling and Sieving product portfolio, and Retsch technology particle size analysis portfolio. Matthew provides technical support and training to Academia, commercial laboratories and the mining industry.