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Session 6a | Government and Economic Development

Stream A
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
10:35 AM - 12:35 PM


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Mr Marc Upcroft
Australian Mining Leader
PwC Australia

The critical choices required to seize Australia’s unique opportunity

10:35 AM - 10:55 AM



Marc Upcroft is PwC’s Australian Mining Leader. With more than 30 years' experience supporting clients in the energy and resources sector, Marc leads the firm's focus on helping our mining clients drive value, respond to challenges, transform and succeed in the market. Marc brings a considerable depth of experience in the sector across financial reporting and audit, internal audit, transactions and sustainability assurance. He has worked in the PwC Sydney, Brisbane, Jakarta and London offices. Marc also leads the development of a number of PwC’s industry publications and research. He has a strong passion for supporting the sector including helping resource companies navigate the shift towards a lower carbon-intensive environment.
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Kate Grove
Associate Director

Government Grants and Incentives: Positioning Your Project for a Funding Boost

10:55 AM - 11:15 AM



Kate is an experienced geologist and government funding specialist who has gained a unique perspective through her roles in mining and professional services. Starting her career as a mine geologist, Kate worked in a variety of roles including establishing operational support and resource management at a new diamond mine with De Beers and optimising exploration, modelling and extraction of a structurally complex Central Queensland coal deposit with Anglo American. In her current role, Kate supports companies to access government funding for key projects through a variety of channels including grant program applications, the R&D Tax Incentive and proactive funding strategies. Working with small and large companies in mining, clean energy and other industries, she is passionate about leveraging her understanding of resource projects and operational environments to harness funding opportunities that are relevant to the sector.
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Ms Beni Delaval

From minerals to materials: Government R&D initiatives to support Australia’s critical minerals mid-stream processing capabilities and opportunities

11:15 AM - 11:35 AM



Beni is a manager at CSIRO Futures, the advisory arm of Australia's national science agency. In this role Beni advises private organisations and the public sector on technology strategy and RD&D investment to take on the opportunities and challenges presented by global economic, environmental, social and techological trends. Beni has worked across multiple energy and resources projects including the CSIRO Renewable Energy Storage Roadmap, CSIRO Critical Energy Minerals Roadmap and the Hydrogen RD&D International Collaboration Program.
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Mr Roderick Carlson
Geology Manager
AMC Consultants

Critical Minerals – Economic complexity and Australia’s downfall

11:35 AM - 11:55 AM



Roderick Carlson, Geology Manager BSc (Geology), MSc (Ore Deposit Geology and Evaluation). MAusIMM, FAIG (RPGeo). Rod has more than 30 years’ experience in mining and exploration, with particular expertise in deposit modelling, Mineral Resource estimation, classification, reporting, auditing, and due diligence reviews. Rod has a deep understanding and development history with the guiding principles of the JORC Code.
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Mr Dylan Falconer
Associate Environmental Planner
EMM Consulting

The role of Government in securing project approvals for critical minerals

11:55 AM - 12:15 PM



Dylan is an Urban and Environmental Planner with experience in the transportation, energy, mining and land development sectors in Australia and abroad. Dylan has successfully managed the delivery of complex and technically challenging projects. He has performed a variety of roles that have required statutory interpretation and advice, technical analysis of environmental and planning constraints, site assessments and development of environmental management plans. Dylan also has extensive experience in environmental impact assessments, managing and obtaining environmental approvals, preparing approvals strategies, and land use planning across multiple sectors including minerals processing, transport, resources, renewables and land development both in Australia and abroad. Dylan has developed: ISO 14001:2015 compliant environmental management systems; prepared multidisciplinary environmental management plans and monitoring programs; and performed desktop and site-based audits assessing regulatory and contract compliance with Queensland, New South Wales and international regulatory frameworks.

Session 6a | Q&A with Session Chair

12:15 PM - 12:35 PM

