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Session 10B - Technology Integration - IV

Stream 2
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
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Lishuai Jiang
Shandong University of Science and Technology

Application and prospects of 3D printing in physical experiments of rock mass mechanics and engineering

11:00 AM - 11:10 AM


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Mr Haiming Bao
Phd Candidate
The University Of Queensland

An Assessment of Battery Trolley systems’ Performance in Surface Mines

11:10 AM - 11:20 AM


Haiming Bao, a PhD candidate at The University of Queensland (UQ). The PhD research project is mining battery truck applications in terms of battery-electric trucks and Battery Trolley systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether trolley assist systems can be used in conjunction with battery haul trucks in surface mines to eliminate emissions as part of sustainable mining operations. Additionally, Haiming joined several Chinese smart open-cut mining design and deployment projects when he studied at China University of Mining and Technology – Beijing (CUMTB). When he worked at China Minmetals Corporation, he joined several digital mine projects and large open-pit mine design and planning projects. Capability areas are: Mining systems; Mine designing; Mine planning; Smart mine; Battery mining trucks; Decarbonisation truck fleet; Battery technology; Energy management; and mining sustainability.
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Mr Akash Jani
Specialist Structural Geologist
Rio Tinto

Structural Analysis and Modelling in an Evolving Mineral Resources Operation

11:20 AM - 11:30 AM


Akash Jani is a specialist structural geologist with over a decade of experience in the Iron Ore industry in greenfield & brownfield exploration and mining activities. A graduate of the University of Auckland, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a specialization in Geophysics and Applied Mathematics. Akash’s strong foundation in both quantitative and geological sciences has equipped him with a unique perspective in understanding the Earth’s complex structures. Akash really enjoys using technology to generate innovative ideas and improvement suggestions that would generate more value add to the business workflow while maintaining high technical standards and productivity.
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Mr Peter Leckie
Senior Manager - Marketing & Technology

Unlocking mine productivity by changing-the-equation on the where, what and when of orebody characterisation

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM


A technology management & commercialisation specialist with successes in designing, marketing & scaling up technology offerings across the global arms of a multi-national company (Orica). Demonstrated ability deliver commercial outcomes across cultures, languages, & reporting lines; managing, supporting & coaching teams to craft, negotiate, and deliver value-based offerings globally.
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Ms Sureka Thiruchittampalam
PhD student
UNSW Sydney

Automated Characterisation of the Dump Materials

11:40 AM - 11:50 AM


Sureka Thiruchittampalam is currently pursuing a PhD degree at UNSW Sydney, Australia in the Laboratory for Imaging of the Mine Environment (LIME) under the supervision of Associate Professor Simit Raval and holds a position as a lecturer at the University of Moratuwa, located in Sri Lanka. Her specialization lies in the domain of mining and remote sensing. The focal point of her doctoral investigations is centered around the automated characterisation of mine waste, a multifaceted endeavour that encompasses elements of mining practices, geotechnical engineering principles, and the utilisation of computer vision technologies. She has a particular interest in the development of remote sensing techniques for assessing mining landscapes and advocating for sustainable mining practices.
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Mrs Sandra Nowosad
Research Assistant
TU Clausthal

Key technology indicators that will influence mining method selection for future mines

11:50 AM - 12:00 PM


Sandra Nowosad, M.Sc.: studied mining engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru in Li,a Peru, and later a Masters in Mining Engineering at Clausthal University of Technology (CUT). Since 2019 she works as research assistant at CUT, since 2021 she is a doctoral candidate in the field of mining technologies and automation focused on mines of the future. Currently she is program advisor and lecturer at CUT for Mine Closure, Underground Mine Safety and, Mining Technologies and Automation.