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Session 10A - Sustainable Mining - III

Stream 1
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM


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Prof Oliver Langefeld
Director Of Institute
TU Clausthal

Blue Mining, a holistic approach that integrates circular economy

11:00 AM - 11:10 AM


Oliver Langefeld, phd studied mining at Clausthal University of Technology (CUT) and made his phd at RWTH Aachen. He has 16 years’ experience in the German coal mining industry and is since 2001 Professor for underground mining at CUT. He was Vice president for academic affairs at CUT and is still immediate Past President of the Society of Mining Professors.
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Mr Geoff Stevenson
Manager - Ipt Webgen

Social responsibility solutions provided by WebGen™ wireless initiation system in open cut mines

11:10 AM - 11:20 AM


Geoff Stevenson is the global lead for Surface mining with WebGen, Orica's flag ship through-rock wireless blasting system. Geoff has been working with WebGen for more than seven years. During this time he has supported WebGen projects in both surface and underground across the globe in a variety of applications. In his current role, his primary focus is to support Orica's regional teams to deliver game-changing WebGen projects with our surface Customers.
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Ms Gabi Burge
Chemical Engineering Student

Australia’s Hydrogen Export in the form of Embedded Mineral Derivatives

11:20 AM - 11:30 AM


Gabi is a graduate chemical engineer from UNSW who completed her honours thesis on the economics of decarbonising Australian copper and the export of green minerals. She is interested in sustainability and the role of renewable fuels in the energy transition for heavy industry and mining.
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Mr Karthik Rau
Senzit, Inc.

Mining 4.0 Initiatives – A Pathway to a Smarter Mining Fleet

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM


Karthik Rau is the CEO of Senzit, a leading provider of automotive telematics solutions. Senzit's AI-enabled IoT platform makes it easy for companies to monitor the operational efficiency of their fleet vehicles. Prior to joining Senzit, Karthik was the Founder & CEO of Stoke Systems, a pioneer in Edge AI and Industrial IoT and was a Senior Director at Atmel Corporation, a leading provider of semiconductor solutions for the IoT market. He previously held engineering and management roles in the semiconductor and hardware industries. Karthik received his MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain.
Prof Helmut Mischo
Professor / Hod / Mine Director
TUBAF TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Tactical Medical Mining Rescue - a new and validated approach to close the gap of lacking advanced emergency treatment in the mining industry

11:40 AM - 11:50 AM

