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Session 3B - Sustainable Mining (cont.)

Stream 2
Monday, September 2, 2024
1:35 PM - 3:05 PM


Dr Sanghee Jeon
Associate Professor
Akita University

Toward the green mining: Utilization of tailings on gold recovery in thiosulfate system

1:35 PM - 1:45 PM


Sanghee Jeon completed her Ph.D. at Hokkaido University, and now is an associate professor at the Faculty of International Resources Science, Akita University, which is one of the strong in mining and mineral processing in Japan. Her research interests include mineral processing, resource recycling, and hydrometallurgy, especially specializing in the recovery of precious metals from both primary and secondary resources employing sustainable and eco-friendly techniques. Recently her research has focused on the development of novel recovery techniques for precious metal ions from eco-friendly solvents, thiosulfate, Li-ion battery recycling as well as hydrothermal ore treatment.
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Ms Marie Jones
Senior Associate
Enable Advisory

Legacy tailings dams: asset or liability? A case study on sub-aqueous tailings reclamation and retreatment

1:45 PM - 1:55 PM


Marie Jones is a mining engineer with technical and practical knowledge of underground metalliferous mining from her 18 years of experience across numerous mining methods and geographic locations (Australia, West Africa and Europe). A member of the AusIMM since 2002 and a Chartered Professional Engineer Marie is focused on providing forward thinking, practical and safety centred solutions to challenges presented through the adoption of novel approaches to mining.
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Dr Rudy Heryadi
Lecturer/ COO
Nusa Putra University/ PT Suma Yogara Sejahtera

Eco-Efficiency of ANFO and Bulk Emulsion Explosives Application in Indonesia Mining

1:55 PM - 2:05 PM


Rudy Heryadi was born in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 1981. He received a B.E degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia, in 2004, and the M.Sc in Renewable Energy from Darma Persada University, East Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2018, and PhD degrees in environmental science from the Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU), Semarang, Indonesia, in 2023. In 2005, he joined Spirax Sarco Indonesia as a Controls Specialist, and in 2008, he joined PT Odira Energy Persada as a Process Engineer. In 2010, he joined PT Tenaga Kimia Indonesia as a process and quality engineer for bulk emulsion explosives at an on-site plant. In 2014, he became Business Development Manager, and in 2017, he became Business and Operation Manager of Austin Powder Company until 2021. Starting in 2024, he became the Chief Operating Officer of PT Suma Yogara Sejahtera, one of Indonesia's Drilling and Blasting Service companies. From 2018 to March 2024, he became a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bina Tunggal College of Technology, and from April 2024 to the present, he joined Nusa Putra University to become a lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department. He is a member of the Indonesian Blasting Engineer Society. His research interests are sustainability, environment, renewable energy, and drilling and blasting cost efficiency.
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Mrs Nooshin Shahbazi
Senior Environmental Advisor

The Hidden Path to Sustainable Mining: An Incentive for Transforming Scope 3 Emissions Across Industries

2:05 PM - 2:15 PM


Nooshin has more than a decade of experience in emission control and project management in the mining industry. She has extensive knowledge of Commonwealth environmental legislation and is proficient in Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas measurement, air pollution management, soil and water contamination control, sustainability reporting, and environmental compliance. Her onsite experience has allowed her to establish effective relationships with stakeholders across all organisational levels. Nooshin's research background has given her expertise in conducting statistical analysis, root cause analysis, data sourcing, and big data analysis.