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Session 2C - MIoT - I

Stream 3
Monday, September 2, 2024
11:05 AM - 12:35 PM
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Ms Yikun Li

Enhancing the Fairness in LoRa-based Linear Wireless Mesh Networks

11:05 AM - 11:15 AM


Yikun Li is an ambitious undergraduate at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), pursuing a double degree in Engineering (Honours) with a focus on Electronics and Telecommunications, and Computer Science. Demonstrating profound interest in the intersection of electronic systems and digital technologies, Yikun balances the complexities of hardware with the fluidity of software. Specializing in the dynamic field of Electronics and Telecommunications, Yikun is also exploring diverse realms within Computer Science. This academic versatility showcases not only a robust technical foundation but also a zest for embracing the multifaceted nature of technology. As Yikun strides forward, she aspires to be at the vanguard of technological innovation, especially in areas that merge electronics with cutting-edge computing. Her journey is not just about acquiring knowledge but about making a tangible impact in the tech world, driven by a passion for innovation and excellence.
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Mr Ivan Luna Berbesi
Project Geologist

Application of Multi-Sensor and AI-Based Core Logging for a Reduction of Decision-Making Time within Mineral Exploration Field Projects

11:15 AM - 11:25 AM


Ivan Luna is a geologist specializing in the global implementation of ANCORELOG, a multi-sensor core logging device for the mining industry. Previously, he worked as a petrophysicist in oil and gas reservoir characterization at laboratories in Germany and Colombia. Ivan graduated at the top of his class with a B.S. in Geology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and earned an M.Sc. in Applied Geosciences, Energy, and Mineral Resources from RWTH Aachen. During his master's, he conducted research on the effects of thermal maturation on rock-mechanical properties, strength, and elastic parameters as a function of saturation, contributing to the future development of nuclear waste disposal repositories in Germany.
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Mr Pasindu Ranasinghe
Phd Candidate

Advancing SLAM in Underground Mines: A Unique Marker-Based Approach for Enhanced Navigation and Mapping

11:25 AM - 11:35 AM


Pasindu Ranasinghe is a first-year PhD candidate at UNSW Sydney. He is working under Associate Professor Simit Raval in the laboratory of Imaging of the Mine Environment (LIME). He is actively involved in developing cutting-edge technologies to enhance safety and automation within the mining industry through the application of computer vision and machine learning techniques. His expertise lies in SLAM, LiDAR, computer vision and hardware integration. He is proficient in programming with Python, MATLAB, R, and C++. In 2022, Pasindu graduated with first-class honours in mechanical engineering, specializing in mechatronic systems. His exceptional academic performance and active involvement in extracurricular activities earned him the prestigious Best Student award from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
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Mr Ben Murphy
Manager Engineering
Coronado Global Resources

Enhancing dragline safety: a multi-layered proximity detection system

11:35 AM - 11:45 AM


Ben Murphy is an accomplished professional with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics. With over ten years of extensive experience in the field, he currently serves as the Acting Manager of Engineering at the Curragh mine in Blackwater. His expertise lies in implementing and overseeing engineering initiatives, ensuring operational excellence and safety within the mining industry.
A/Prof Binghao Li
UNSW, Sydney

Ultra-Wide Band Based Collision Avoidance for Underground Mines

11:45 AM - 11:55 AM


Binghao Li is Associate Professor with the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He has a BE in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, and a ME in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University, China. He received his PhD in Surveying and Spatial Information Systems from UNSW. His research areas include indoor positioning, pedestrian navigation, satellite positioning and navigation and mine internet of things. He is the founder and leader of the MIoT & IPIN laboratory with UNSW.
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Mr Nalith Udugampola
Postgraduate Researcher

A Practical Model for LoRa Propagation in Underground Mines

11:55 AM - 12:05 PM


Since 2023, Nalith Udugampola has served as a postgraduate researcher at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering. Prior to this, he accumulated nearly 2 years of experience as an electronics and embedded systems engineer in the industry. In 2021, he graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Currently, Nalith is dedicated to researching LoRa-based wireless mesh networks for underground mines and tunnels. His research areas encompass wireless networking, low-power embedded systems, and digital electronic design.