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Session 2 | Social Responsibility & Sustainable Mining

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
11:25 AM - 1:00 PM


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Ms Ayla Edwards
Undergraduate Student
Monash University

Loop3D: Insights into geological modelling for a more sustainable future

11:25 AM - 11:35 AM


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Mr Amir Cooper
Geologist / Hydrogeologist
The University of Western Australia

Using remote sensing to supplement conventional groundwater monitoring data

11:35 AM - 11:45 AM


Amir Cooper is an accomplished undergraduate student at the University of Western Australia, where he is majoring in Geology. Building on his undergraduate expertise, he is furthering his education through a Master's program in Hydrogeology. Amir is currently applying his knowledge and skills as a Hydrogeologist Intern with Rio Tinto Iron Ore in the Pilbara, a role that allows him to gain valuable industry experience. In addition to his academic and professional pursuits, Amir serves as the President of the UWA Woolnough Society, where he leads initiatives and activities that promote geological sciences within the university community.
Ms Sophie Hinchliffe
Sustainability Graduate

Mining for the energy transition in a biodiversity crisis

11:45 AM - 11:55 AM


Ms Yamini Kannappan
Phd Student
WA School of Mines, Curtin University

Role of green chemistry in the sustainable extraction of rare earth elements

11:55 AM - 12:05 PM


Yamini Kannappan, a PhD candidate at the WA School of Mines, Curtin University, discovered her passion for Extractive Metallurgy during her undergraduate studies in Metallurgical Engineering. This led her to pursue a master's and a doctoral degree, where she focused her research on extraction techniques for critical and strategic metals. Her PhD explores novel techniques for recovering rare earth elements from sub-economic ores, tailings, and industrial by-products. This research would unlock a large volume of REE reserves, enhance the supply-chain resilience, and reduce the reliance on primary ores. She is a current recipient of the MRIWA PhD Scholarship for Women 2024, the Destination Australia Scholarship and the CIPRS scholarship from Curtin University.
Session Chair

Session 2 | Abstract Q&A

12:05 PM - 12:15 PM


Session Chair

Session 2 | Keynote Introduction

12:15 PM - 12:20 PM


Ramesh Thiruvenkatachari
Senior Research Scientist

Session 2 | Keynote Address

12:20 PM - 12:50 PM


Session Chair

Session 2 | Keynote Q&A

12:50 PM - 1:00 PM

