Session 1 | Opening Plenary
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 |
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM |
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Gail Wynne
Aboriginal Whadjuk Elder
Welcome to Country
8:00 AM - 8:05 AMBiography
René Sterk
Director & Principal Consultant Geologist
Welcome from the Conference Chair
8:05 AM - 8:15 AMBiography
René is the Managing Director at RSC and the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimation Conference chair. He holds a master’s degree in Structural Geology and Tectonics, and specialises in resource development for gold, industrial minerals, seabed mineralisation, REE and base metals, with a strong skill set in grade control, reconciliation, QA/QC and sampling.
He is a Chartered Professional and Fellow with the AusIMM, a Registered Professional Geologist with the AIG, and has published papers and provided training on sampling, QA/QC and resource estimation.
Hon Bill Johnston MLA
Member of Cannington
Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Corrective Services; Industrial Relations
Ministerial Address
8:15 AM - 8:25 AMBiography
The Hon. Bill Johnston is Western Australia's Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Energy, Corrective Services and Industrial Relations.
He has been a Minister for the McGowan Labor Government since March 2017, and has previously been Minister for Commerce, Electoral Affairs, and Asian Engagement.
So far, his achievements include cutting red-tape for the mining industry, introducing the Work Health and Safety Bill (industrial manslaughter provisions) and assisting in revolutionising Western Australia’s energy system.
In Opposition he served as Shadow Minister for State Development and Energy from 2012, and Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum from 2013.
He was a Member of the Economics and Industry Standing Committee and Deputy Chair of the Inquiry into Domestic Gas Prices from 2010 to 2011.
Prior to entering Parliament, he was the State Secretary of WA Labor from 2001 until 2008, with responsibility for all State and Federal election campaigns.
Stephen Durkin
Welcome from AusIMM
8:25 AM - 8:35 AMBiography
Stephen Durkin is CEO of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), the peak body representing 13,000 members working in the resources sector. Stephen is a civil engineer by qualification and throughout his 30-year career has worked in a wide range of industries around the world. His experience encompasses association management and business leadership, including CEO of Engineers Australia for 5 years and AusIMM CEO since May 2017. Stephen is passionate about transforming associations so that they continue to lead the way in upholding professional standards and supporting members’ careers. He is a champion of professionals and their vital role to provide trusted advice to the communities and organisations they serve.
Dr Isobel Clark
Consulting Engineer
Geostokos Ltd
Keynote | Fireside Chat with Dr Isobel Clark - Half a century of Geostatistics and other stories
8:35 AM - 9:15 AMBiography
After 50 years of teaching and consultancy in the field of resource and reserve estimation, Isobel's ongoing mission is to aid practitioners of applied statistics and geostatistics to best assess, interpret and estimate from their own data in their own area of expertise.
In 1982, Geostokos Limited was born at a party on Hogmanay. Since then, Isobel has consulted and/or taught on most continents in minerals ranging from coal to diamonds. Geostokos Limited is a small independent company providing expertise and training worldwide, and has released a series of books, software, teaching aids, case studies and short courses are aimed at practitioners.
Isobel is the author of the introductory text Practical Geostatistics 1979, Isobel alongside Bill Harper has published a more complete textbook Practical Geostatistics 2000 which is available as hypertext on CD and as a hardcopy book.
As Isobel approaches the twilight period of her career, her mission is to spread as much light (as is humanly possible) into the black-box world of spatial estimation processes.
Samara Brown
Conference Program Manager
Jacqui Coombes
Amira Global
Session Chair
Cam McCuaig
Head of Geoscience Excellence